Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Al 13

This season Team Wooly Mammoth's racers have been turning heads with not only their highly erotic kits, but also with their Ukrainian made Romancer steeds nestled betwixt their heavily oiled legs.

The Romancer frame model, dubbed "the Provocateur", is made of an ultra space age polymer known as Al-u-minium, which is the first time this material has been used in any application outside of the aerospace field. The Al-u-minium used on all TWM Provocateur frames came from an abandoned MiG29 factory outside of Kiev.

Romancer's master frame builders together with a team of engineers worked closely alongside TWM racers to come up with a sprinting machine with the handling characteristics of a katana sword, the stiffness of Juan Benedicto Wheelarosa's male member, and the sensual lines of a Michelangelo sculpture.
This thoroughbred racing weapon is finished in a super lightweight paint also previously known only in the aerospace field for its anti corrosion characteristics, its aerodynamic properties, and its ability to slip undetected past enemy radar.

1 comment:

Chad G. Springer said...

When is Tino going for the "BROmancer" paint scheme? Those Pinarello graphics and colors are WAY played out. Jordan, drop the zeros and get with the heroes.